About Me!

So who runs this website anyway?

Allow me to introduce myself - the person speaking to you (the reader) in the first person is the (probably) human being using the pseudonym (my parents weren't that cool) Volta. I am a [redacted] year old Corporate-American on the autism spectrum, who prides myself in my ability to focus really hard on something for a few weeks at a time (like making a website), get really good at it, and then quit and move on to the next interest. As such, I feel I've become something of a jack(jill?)-of-all-trades in fields related to:

Why make a website?

Like many in [current year] I'm fed up with the current state of consumer tech, rhetoric and politics, pop culture, capitalist consumerism, and (dis)respect for individual rights. The American dream - once a paragon of hope in a difficult and dark world, where one's hard work could genuinely be rewarded by physical health, material prosperity, and societal cooperation - is dead. Work ethic has been bastardized in our post-industrial service economy. We only participate in the cycle of working to get money to buy things we don't need and don't make us happy in order to partipate in the society that doesn't value us in the first place. Our economy, society, and government has become increasingly hostile to the very things which have given meaning and importance to people's lives in the past - property ownership (replaced merely with the illusion of having gained anything, and pointless consumption), childrearing (made more difficult and more expensive as the family has been broken down, and single-breadwinner families made impossible), productive work (you will make nothing, merely participate in nebulous systems of production and consumption), and religion (an embodied experience of one's relationship with the Divine, cheapened and watered down to platitudes and empty proclamations of belief).

All this is besides the point, however (and probably deserving of it's own article). Making a website in the style of Web 1.0 won't solve any of these things. It is, however, a breath of fresh air, and maybe just a distraction. I've challenged myself to actually make something - not merely setup a "profile" on some social media "service" - and maybe also to do something that actually leaves a mark, not just something that gets memory-holed, lost to the algorithm, or censored and shadow-banned.

So welcome to the party. I hope you enjoy your time here. I hope you learn something (actually, I hope that I learn something), and I hope that I succeed in doing what I've set out to do.

- July 30, 2024

Reach me at my protonmail burner voltasvault.sinister724@passinbox.com

All text on this website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. Images used are also licensed under creative commons unless otherwise indicated.